(Date reviewed: 1st October 2009 - ShoppingRoll & Diary of An E-Shopaholic)
Thank you to ShoppingRoll and Diary Addictions.


(Date reviewed: 15th September 2009 - ShoppingRoll & Diary of An E-Shopaholic)
Once again, CastelleCothing was featured in yet another two most popular reviewer sites, Diary of An E-Shopaholic and ShoppingRoll! We are very grateful for the wonderful and exciting feature on us and would like to express our OUTMOST gratitude for doing such a great job - We are deeply honoured.
Thank you!


(Date reviewed: 30th August 2009 - Chambers of Style, 31st August 2009 - Detailed Wears)
CastelleClothing is proud to announce that we have been featured in two most fashionable reviewer site, Detailed Wears and Chamber of Style. Do check out these sites for other great reviews!
And we at Castelle expresses our HUGE gratitude to these sites for the awesome review!
Thank you!